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Ray Krishnamurthy
Ray Krishnamurthy

Bome MIDI Translator Pro: A Powerful MIDI and Keystroke Mapping Tool

Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172: A Review of the MIDI Mapping Software

If you are a musician, a DJ, a producer, or a live performer, you probably use MIDI devices to control your software and hardware. MIDI devices can be keyboards, controllers, drum pads, pedals, or anything that can send MIDI signals. However, sometimes you may encounter some limitations or challenges when using MIDI devices, such as:

Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172

  • Some MIDI devices may not be compatible with some software or hardware.

  • Some MIDI devices may not have enough buttons, knobs, sliders, or pads to control all the functions you need.

  • Some MIDI devices may not have the layout or design that suits your workflow or preferences.

  • Some MIDI devices may not have the feedback or responsiveness that you want.

In these cases, you may wish to have more flexibility and customization when using MIDI devices. This is where Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 comes in handy. Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 is a software that allows you to map, process, and script MIDI signals in any way you want. You can create custom MIDI routings, rules, logic, layers, and more. You can also emulate keystrokes and mouse actions with MIDI signals, so you can control any software on your computer with a MIDI device.

What is Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172?

Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 is a software that runs on Windows and Mac computers. It acts as a bridge between your MIDI devices and your software or hardware. It can receive MIDI signals from any MIDI device or software, and convert them to other MIDI signals, keystrokes, mouse actions, or even custom scripts. You can define your own translations using a graphical user interface or a scripting language.

Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 has many features and capabilities that make it a powerful and versatile MIDI mapping tool. Some of them are:

  • It supports any MIDI device or software that can send or receive MIDI signals.

  • It can handle multiple MIDI devices and multiple translations at the same time.

  • It can create complex translations using rules, conditions, variables, timers, and more.

  • It can emulate keystrokes and mouse actions with MIDI signals, so you can control any software on your computer with a MIDI device.

  • It can run custom scripts with MIDI signals, so you can perform advanced actions or calculations with MIDI data.

  • It can organize translations into presets and switch between them easily.

  • It can exchange presets with other Bomes Midi Translator Pro users.

How to use Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172?

To use Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172, you need to download and install it from the official website: You can try it for free for 20 minutes per session, or buy a license for 59 (approx. US$66) to use it without any limitations.

Once you have installed Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172, you need to connect your MIDI devices to your computer and launch the software. You will see the main window of the software, which consists of three parts:

  • The Project View: This is where you create and manage your translations. You can add new presets and translators by clicking on the buttons at the top. You can also edit the properties of each preset and translator by clicking on them.

  • The Log Window: This is where you see the incoming and outgoing MIDI messages and other events. You can use this window to monitor and debug your translations.

  • The Menu Bar: This is where you access the various options and settings of the software. You can also save and load projects from here.

To create a translation, you need to follow these steps:

  • Add a new preset by clicking on the + button at the top of the Project View. A preset is a collection of translators that are active at the same time. You can name your preset according to its purpose or function.

  • Add a new translator by clicking on the + button at the top of the Project View. A translator is a single translation that converts an incoming event to an outgoing event. You can name your translator according to its input or output.

  • Edit the properties of your translator by clicking on it. You will see four tabs: Incoming Trigger, Outgoing Action, Rules (optional), Options (optional).

  • Select the Incoming Trigger tab and choose the type of event that will trigger your translation. It can be a MIDI message (such as note on/off), a keystroke (such as F1), a mouse action (such as left click), or a timer (such as every second). You can also specify the details of the event (such as channel, note number, velocity) by clicking on Capture or entering them manually.

  • Select the Outgoing Action tab and choose the type of event that will be generated by your translation. It can be a MIDI message (such as control change), a keystroke (such as space), a mouse action (such as move cursor), or a script (such as execute file). You can also specify the details of the event (such as controller number, value) by clicking on Capture or entering them manually.

  • Select the Rules tab if you want to add some logic or conditions to your translation. You can use variables (such as pp for incoming note number), operators (such as + for addition), functions (such as random for generating random numbers), and statements (such as if...then...else for branching) to manipulate data and events. You can also use comments (such as // for single line comments) to document your rules.

  • Select the Options tab if you want to change some settings of your translation. You can enable or disable various options such as Swallow Incoming Event (to prevent other translators from processing it), Stop Processing (to stop processing other translators in this preset), Execute on Release (to execute when releasing an incoming trigger), Suppress Echoes (to prevent feedback loops), etc.

Once you have created your translation, you can test it by sending some events from your MIDI device or keyboard and seeing how they are translated in the Log Window. You can also edit your translation by clicking on it again and changing its properties.

What are the advantages of using Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172?

The main advantage of using Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 is that it gives you more flexibility and customization when using MIDI devices. You can create any translation that suits your needs and preferences, without being limited by the default settings or functions of your software or hardware. You can also control any software on your computer with a MIDI device, which opens up new possibilities for creativity and productivity.

Another advantage of using Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 is that it is easy to use and learn. The graphical user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to create translations quickly and easily. The scripting language is simple and powerful, allowing you to perform advanced actions and calculations with MIDI data. The Log Window is helpful and informative, allowing you to monitor and debug your translations.

What are the disadvantages of using Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172?

The main disadvantage of using Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 is that it may not be compatible with some software or hardware. Some software or hardware may have their own MIDI mapping features or protocols that may conflict with Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172's translations. Some software or hardware may also have security measures that prevent Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 from emulating keystrokes or mouse actions on them.

Another disadvantage of using Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 is that it may require some trial and error to create optimal translations. Sometimes you may need to adjust some parameters or settings to achieve the desired results. Sometimes you may encounter some bugs or glitches that may affect your translations. Sometimes you may need to consult some documentation or tutorials to learn how to use some features or functions.

What are some alternatives to Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172?

If you are looking for alternatives to Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172, there are some options that you can consider:

  • You can use other software that provide similar features for mapping and processing MIDI signals, such as MidiPipe, MidiKey2Key, MidiStroke, MidiOx, MidiYoke, etc. These software may have different interfaces, capabilities, prices, and compatibility than Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172.

You can use other hardware that provide built-in features for mapping and processing MIDI signals, such as MIDI Solutions Event Processor, iConnectivity mioXM, MIDI Solutions Router, MIDI Solutions Footswitch Controller, etc. These hardware may have different designs, functions, costs, and availability than Bomes

In conclusion, Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 is a software that allows you to map, process, and script MIDI signals in any way you want. You can create custom MIDI routings, rules, logic, layers, and more. You can also emulate keystrokes and mouse actions with MIDI signals, so you can control any software on your computer with a MIDI device. Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 has many advantages, such as flexibility, customization, ease of use, and learning. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as compatibility, trial and error, and bugs. There are also some alternatives to Bomes Midi Translator Pro 172 that you can use, such as other software or hardware that provide similar features for mapping and processing MIDI signals. 4e3182286b


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