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Elaine Vermeulen
Elaine Vermeulen

Sidewalk Mitchell Duneier Pdfgolkes

Sidewalk by Mitchell Duneier: A Review

Sidewalk is a book by sociologist Mitchell Duneier, published in 1999, that explores the lives and struggles of street vendors, panhandlers, and scavengers in Greenwich Village, New York. The book is based on five years of ethnographic research, in which Duneier immersed himself in the daily routines and interactions of his subjects, as well as their relationships with the police, the city officials, and the residents of the neighborhood. Sidewalk is a remarkable work of sociology that challenges the stereotypes and prejudices that often surround the urban poor, and reveals the complexity, diversity, and humanity of their experiences.

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The book is divided into eight chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of sidewalk life. The first chapter introduces the main characters and their backgrounds, such as Hakim Hasan, a book vendor and former heroin addict who became Duneier's mentor and collaborator; Ron, a magazine scavenger who suffers from mental illness and alcoholism; Marvin, a panhandler who is also a talented artist; and Alice, a homeless woman who sells flowers and newspapers. The second chapter examines the economic logic and strategies of sidewalk work, such as how vendors acquire, display, and price their goods, how scavengers collect and sort magazines from trash cans, and how panhandlers solicit donations from passersby. The third chapter analyzes the social organization and norms of sidewalk culture, such as how vendors cooperate or compete with each other, how they resolve conflicts and disputes, and how they form friendships and alliances. The fourth chapter explores the role of race and gender in sidewalk interactions, such as how vendors deal with racial discrimination and harassment from customers, police, and residents, how they express their racial identity and solidarity, and how they relate to women on the street. The fifth chapter investigates the moral dimensions of sidewalk work, such as how vendors justify their occupation and cope with stigma, how they balance self-interest and altruism, and how they adhere to or violate ethical codes. The sixth chapter discusses the political implications of sidewalk work, such as how vendors resist or comply with legal regulations and enforcement, how they negotiate with city officials and community groups, and how they participate in or abstain from civic activism. The seventh chapter evaluates the social impact of sidewalk work, such as how vendors contribute to or detract from public order and safety, how they create or disrupt public space and culture, and how they affect or are affected by gentrification and urban change. The eighth chapter reflects on the methodological challenges and dilemmas of conducting ethnographic research on the street, such as how Duneier gained access and trust from his subjects, how he balanced objectivity and empathy, and how he collaborated with Hakim Hasan in producing the book.

Sidewalk is a compelling and insightful book that offers a rich portrait of a segment of society that is often ignored or marginalized. Duneier's writing is clear and engaging, blending vivid descriptions, personal anecdotes, theoretical insights, and empirical data. He also includes photographs taken by Ovie Carter, a Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist who accompanied him on his fieldwork. The book is not only a valuable contribution to sociology, but also a powerful testimony to the dignity and resilience of the sidewalk workers.

If you are interested in reading Sidewalk by Mitchell Duneier, you can find it online for free at [Internet Archive], or buy it from [Google Books] or [Google Play].


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